Keep your property safe with Birch Tree Care. Our tree consultation and risk management strategies will identify potential hazards and keep your tree healthy.
What is the best time of year to trim your trees?
Soil Injections: Everything You Need to Know About Removing Tree Pests
There are many purposes for soil injections from fertilizing your garden to stabilizing your property’s foundation. One of the most effective and necessary purposes for your tree’s health is pest control.
Common Tree Pests
An invasive insect known as emerald ash borer (EAB) is known to attack Ash trees. This destructive species will hatch underneath the bark and feed on it, creating tunnels that disrupt the flow of nutrients in the tree. Providing the tree with the correct insecticides can prevent these insects from harming its system and allow it to thrive.
One tree pest that affects trees such as birch, aspen, and oak is the forest tent caterpillar, eating all leaves in mass outbreak groups. They cause trees to weaken with consistent defoliation and commonly kill trees by eating everything on them. According to the Forest Health Annual Reports, the next peak population in Minnesota may occur between 2024 and 2029, making it a perfect time to consider soil injections.
What Are Soil Injections?
Soil injections are designed to provide trees with systemic insecticides that allow them to fight off and repel infestations that may occur. This method begins with injecting the surrounding soil and root area with liquid chemicals until moist. The tree’s height and trunk size are taken into consideration when measuring the dosage, as to not shock the tree and cause further damage, leading to an expensive repair. The root system will then absorb the insecticide and distribute it to major feeding points such as leaves and bark. Once the chemicals are in its system, the pests will die after feeding on them. If done incorrectly, the tree may experience unnatural decay causing its health to significantly decline.
Benefits of Soil Injections
Soil injections will provide long-lasting strength for your tree, eliminating the risk of infestations that would otherwise harm it. Injecting insecticides into the soil not only protects your tree from infestations, but surrounding areas from aphids that may be taking over your garden. Aphids are sugar-hungry insects that will cause your leaves to discolor and dry from consuming the nutrients from the root systems in your garden. Repelling these insects can be crucial for the survival of the ecosystem in your garden.
One complimentary benefit to this approach is limiting the use of chemicals in the affected area. Regular pesticides from a spray bottle can get blown into healthy plants that may become damaged. Furthermore, the spray can negatively impact beneficial insects that inhabit nearby plants or even the affected tree. Soil Injections combat this with a more targeted exposure, removing unhealthy insects in a specific spot.
However, insects aren’t always the problem. Like us, trees have immune systems that can become compromised from diseases. A common and often fatal disease is oak wilt, affecting all species of oak trees in Minnesota. It is caused by the fungus Bretziella fagacearum that grows on the sapwood layer of the tree, restricting water and nutrient flow. Oak wilt kills different oak species at different rates, being as fast as 2 months. The 2 approaches to saving a tree from oak wilt are soil injections or tree injections.
There are alternative methods such as tree trunk injections, where a small hole is drilled into the trunk and the insecticides are applied directly. Soil injections eliminate some of the risks that come with open tree wounds in the trunks and root system
Best Practices to Prevent Infestations
Common causes of tree infestations stem from poor sanitation, lack of irrigation, improper pruning, and overfertilization. These create environments that are inviting for pests that can stress your tree, compromising its healthy system. Professional tree trimming is an effective way to avoid potential pests and limit the use of chemicals. Keeping your trees and shrubs evenly cut will deter pests that will otherwise defoliate them.
Our Process
At Birch Tree Care, our certified arborists are equipped to do a thorough evaluation of your tree's state. From there, they can determine which method is appropriate for your needs with their knowledge of tree care and provide you with a free estimate. If the condition of your tree is too far gone, our team is trained for the worst-case scenario and will efficiently perform a tree removal.
When Should You Consider Tree Removal
Trees can significantly enhance the look and appeal of your property and landscape. While they offer numerous benefits, there comes a time when their presence can become more of a burden than a blessing. Knowing when to remove a tree is crucial for gardening, property maintenance, and overall safety.
Storm Damage
Minnesota is known to get windy, and monitoring your trees' health can save you a lot of money and even lives. Trees often suffer damage during storms, with leaves and branches catching the breeze. Poorly maintained trees are prone to harmful twisting, leading to splits in branches and critical structural points. Observing these signs may tell you that it’s time for your tree to be removed before there is any further damage to the surrounding property or even other trees.
Leaning Trees
During these heavy winds, developing trees may be pushed, causing them to lean to one side and eventually onto another tree. This may also be caused by a lack of sunlight and long periods of heavy rain, which alters the direction your trees grow in. The weight of the trunk and branches will pull the tree to the side and slowly rip the roots out of the ground, compromising its structure. A visible root system is a probable sign to remove the tree.
Dead Trees
A tree's structure can also be compromised if it's dead. This can sometimes go unnoticed without investigation. The easiest signs to spot are discolored, dry leaves or branches that fall off easily. Damage from decay or storms, such as cracked sections of branches or the trunk, poses a significant threat due to their unpredictability.
Diseases and insect infestations can accelerate a tree's decline, necessitating early removal. Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), a destructive species, significantly increases the need for professional tree removal. EAB damages the tissue beneath the bark, disrupting nutrient flow and slowly killing the tree. Visible cracks in the bark and feeding holes are clear signs of infestation. In late stages, when treatments won't save the tree, professional removal is essential.
Our Process
At Birch Tree Care, our professional tree removal process begins with a thorough evaluation of your trees' condition, followed by a free estimate. We handle all necessary communications with your neighbors and coordinate with the power company to ensure all power lines are safe to work around, keeping your property secure.
We are committed to your safety and well-being, and equipped with the necessary tools for efficient tree removal services.
Contact us today to book a free quote!
5 Reasons to Regularly Trim Your Minnesota Trees
Tree trimming is often deprioritized, overlooked and seen as unimportant. Any local tree expert would know there are many benefits, hidden and seen, that can prove to be essential for your landscape health.
#1 Safety
Safety first! Trees will often decay in small amounts and as weather conditions change, so do the hazards. Untreated trees have an increasing risk of falling over due to uneven weight, rotten branches detaching easily, and diseases weakening the overall structure.
According to The Department of Natural Resources, over 85% of all tornadoes in Minnesota occurred between May and August, making it a good time for tree trimming. Tree trimming removes the overgrown and unhealthy branches from your tree, which can pose a threat in windy conditions, resulting in damaged property as well as injury. This is the number one reason why it should not be overlooked and put off.
#2 Maintaining Tree Health
Dead branches are dead weight and can even cause other branches to deteriorate due to lack of nutrition. Smaller and younger trees will suffer from this more which may impede on their growth and decrease their chances of survival. Additionally, getting your tree professionally trimmed will detect all of the potential diseases, infestations, and rotted areas of your trees, limiting the damage they may cause in the future.
A very common infestation that homeowners may not be aware of is Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) which may be weakening the stability of your environment. Within the 1st year of a tree's life, EABs land and lay up to 90 eggs on branches. By years 4-7, visible damage will appear including loss of branches. This is where our certified and experienced team of arborists come in and treat the tree so no further decay happens.
#3 Health of Landscape
Many plants need a consistent amount of sunlight that may be blocked because of shade cast by trees. Trees may also grow depending on where their sunlight comes from, causing them to lean more to one side if the other side is shady. Maintaining the shape and size of your trees will allow substantial sunlight and rainfall to pass through to other growths, allowing them to thrive in the ecosystem.
If a tree is too thick and not well maintained, moisture will build up by its base and provide insufficient living conditions for plants below. It may also limit animal traffic through your garden, decreasing disturbances and other toxic elements that may stunt the growth of your plants.
#4 Visual Appeal
There’s no doubt that a nicely trimmed tree will provide your home or landscape with a better view and add a beautiful aesthetic. Showcasing the beauty of your Minnesota trees creates a peaceful and enjoyable environment you can only find locally. Regular tree trimming benefits include less maintenance for the next time around and keeping your garden looking more even and well-maintained.
#5 Economical Benefits
Tree trimming might initially seem unnecessary, primarily for aesthetics. However, investing in regular maintenance can make a big difference in the future, saving you from easily avoidable expenses and increasing the value of your landscape. Reduce your landscaping costs by addressing problems such as common diseases in the early stages. In Minnesota, it is important to use professional tree trimming services to maintain the health of these beautiful native trees.
It may be intimidating to climb on a ladder and take on all your landscaping challenges by yourself. As if that wasn’t daunting enough, there are many ways you could go wrong in trying to prune your trees —such as cutting too much or exposing your tree to too much sunlight. That’s where we come in to help you achieve your tree care goals and enhance the value of your landscape.
Contact us today to book a quote!
How to Identify and Prevent Common Tree Diseases
Trees are susceptible to developing various diseases all year round. So, in order to stay ahead of the game and make sure your landscape is free of any injuries, detecting these diseases early on can help save your trees from major damage. Here’s how you can identify and prevent some of the most common tree diseases.
How to Winterize Your Trees in Minnesota
In order to ensure the plants and landscape on your property flourish next spring, it is imperative to take preventative measures for the winter months. In Minnesota, tree service at Saint Paul is especially important because of the intense winter conditions. Winter injuries could include sunscald on trunks and branches, jack frost bites, browning of evergreen foliage, or snow and ice damage. Preparing your plants for this season can help them overcome the winter in a healthy and durable way.
How Do You Treat Oak Wilt?
Oak wilt is a deadly fungal disease that causes the wilting and eventual death of oak trees. This disease is especially prominent on live oaks, Shumard oaks, Spanish oaks, water oaks, black jack oaks and other members of the red oak family. White oak trees are also susceptible to the infection, but appear to be more tolerant to the effects of oak wilt. However, this doesn’t mean they aren’t at risk.
How Do You Know If You Have Dutch Elm Disease?
Do your yard and trees need Dutch Elm Disease treatment?
Dutch Elm Disease is a devastating, and often deadly, fungal infestation affecting all varieties of elm trees, including the American Elm. Dutch Elm Disease can affect other non-elm trees as well, but this is not common. With this post we will try to provide answers to the most common questions people ask about Dutch Elm Disease.
The Dutch Elm disease Basics
Dutch Elm Disease damages the water-conducting cells of the tree. The tree’s natural response to the damage caused by the invasive fungus, paradoxically, intensifies the damage to the water-conducting cells. In the earliest stages of an infestation, the damage is taking place deep inside the tree where it can’t be seen by the casual observer. The first outwardly visible signs of the disease will not appear until the internal damage is severe enough to restrict the flow of water and nutrients to portions of the tree. Be on the lookout for the first hint of any of these early symptoms.
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Browning/Wilting Leaves
The restriction of water and nutrients will cause the leaves on affected sections of the tree to wilt and curl inward. The leaves will turn from green to yellow, and finally brown before falling from the tree. If your elm tree is displaying patches of yellow or brown leaves it may be a sign of Dutch Elm Disease.
Dead Branches
After the leaves wilt and fall, the branches will begin to die as well. A tree with sparse patches where branches are no longer producing leaves, or branches have died and fallen from the tree, should be analyzed for Dutch Elm Disease.
Dark Streaks Within Branches
The browning of leaves and dying off of branches are symptoms that are common to many different tree ailments. Dark streaks on the inner portion of the tree branch, beneath the bark, is a more accurate and definitive sign that your tree’s condition is the result of Dutch Elm Disease. You will have to remove the bark to check for the presence of dark streaks. Though the presence of streaks is highly indicative of Dutch Elm Disease, the streaks will need to be tested by a professional for confirmation.
Can You Stop Dutch Elm Disease?
There is no cure for Dutch Elm Disease, and the damage that it causes cannot be reversed. The following treatment options can effectively halt the spread of the damage by eliminating the Elm Bark beetle that spreads the fungus.
Aggressive Removal Of Dead And Dying Branches
Be vigilant about checking your elm trees for dead or dying branches and remove suspect branches immediately to eliminate breeding spots for Elm Bark beetles. If the dead branches are found and removed while the tree is dormant the Elm Bark beetles themselves will be destroyed as well. Once removed, the dead branches must be disposed of in a chipper, or by burning or burying them.
Aggressive Removal Of Dead And Dying Branches
Topical insecticide applications applied by qualified arborists have proven effective at killing the Elm Bark beetles that spread the fungus. The success of insecticide treatment hinges on the correct identification of the type of Elm Bark beetle causing the infection. Native Elm Bark beetle infestations require insecticide treatment applied to the tree’s lower stems at the end of summer, while European Elm Bark beetle infestations require insecticide treatment of the tree’s crown in the spring.
Sever Root Grafts
Elm trees in close proximity to one another form root grafts when the roots of one tree fuse with the roots of the neighboring tree. If one of the trees is infected with the fungus that causes Dutch Elm Disease, the grafting will provide a pathway for the fungus to infect the other trees as well. If an infected tree is grafted to a healthy tree the root graft must be severed before the removal of the dying tree. If the graft is intact when the dying tree is removed the healthy tree will immediately pull in the fluids of the dying tree through the grafted roots. If two or more healthy trees are grafted together the root grafts should be severed as a preventative measure.
Fungicide Root Injections
Fungicides injected directly into the tree’s root system to be disseminated through the entire tree by its own vascular system are the most effective method of eliminating the fungal infection and halting the devastating damage that it causes. When applied by qualified arborists before the tree has sustained a life-threatening degree of damage, fungicidal injections offer the best chance of saving the tree.
Why Is Dutch Elm Disease So Destructive?
There are several factors that make Dutch Elm Disease one of the most destructive tree diseases in the natural world.
Ease And Speed Of Transmission
The fungus responsible for Dutch Elm Disease is spread through the elm’s vascular system. The elm’s intertwining root systems which graft one tree to its closest neighbors allow the fungus to spread very quickly from one infected tree out to every other tree in the system.
Multiple Destructive Elements Compound Damage
The breeding activity of the elm bark beetle inflicts a significant amount of damage on the tree’s life-sustaining vascular structure above and beyond the fungal damage.
Early Stages Of Disease Are Invisible
Extensive and irreversible damage is taking place inside infected trees long before the first outwardly visible symptoms appear to indicate the tree is infected.
Use an expert to help you curb the spread of Dutch Elm Disease
If you suspect one or more of your elm trees may be showing signs of Dutch Elm Disease, it is imperative to seek expert advice as soon as possible. Birch Tree Care’s certified arborists and technicians have the knowledge and expertise to help you protect your trees from destructive diseases like Dutch Elm Disease. Contact us for a free consult and let our experts help you with a Dutch Elm Disease treatment plan to save viable trees and prevent infection of healthy trees. Reference our handy plant healthcare calendar below.
Apple scab treatment & the plant healthcare schedule
Do your yard and trees need apple scab treatment?
The weather is warming up (kind of) across The Twin Cities area and now is the time to start booking in plant health care work. Apple scab treatment options are performed by us throughout April, May, June & July during the warmer months of the year.
By getting prepared early, you’ll ensure your crabapple trees will be fully prepared for any forthcoming apple scab onslaughts. Not to mention the fact that your yard will be an oasis to enjoy during the warmer months of the year.
(Pictured below is our suggested plant health care treatment schedule)
Some important points to note for apple scab treatment
It’s extremely important to plan ahead as a lot of apple scab treatment options need to be applied before any leaf spots actually appear on your tree
Because apple scab spores can be released very early on amidst the growing season, treatment options may need to be applied before tips from the tree emerge in spring
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Use an expert to help you curb the spread of apple scab disease
Because treatment can be quite involved and require an expert arborist’s opinion on a treatment schedule that is right for you, we recommend talking to a professional as soon as possible so that you don’t miss out on the ideal time to treat the disease
Get in touch with us, and one of our certified arborists will provide you with a quote and a treatment plan that works for you
With bookings for spring filling up fast, we recommend visiting our contact page below and leaving your details so that we can follow up and help out with your apple scab treatment
Talk to the Twin Cities apple scab experts
We’re now taking bookings for plant health care for apple scab treatment and prevention across the Twin Cities area. Having served over 3,100 customers, we know the area, seasons and treatment plans intricately. Get in touch for a free quote.